3HP DRAWING FRONT VIEW HOW TO BUILD A 3HP DRAWING -SIDE VIEW HOW TO BUILD A THREE HORSEPOWER LAUNCH ENGINE by E.W. Roberts was published in 1901 by The Gas Engine Publishing Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio.  It is a sixty-six page book that contains complete text, drawings, and instructions for an amateur to build a single cylinder, three horsepower, make'n'break, marine engine.  The process required the building of foundry patterns, casting the parts, machining, assembling, and testing the engine.  Quite an extraordinary undertaking for an amateur, but apparently it was done. Weston Farmer, in his book FROM MY OLD BOATSHOP, states that when he was a child one of his neighbors build an engine from this book.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Buy a copy of the book with complete drawings E.W. Roberts, M.E. was a prominent designer and technical writer in the period from about 1895 to 1920. He also wrote THE GAS ENGINE HANDBOOK, and ON MARINE MOTORS AND MOTOR LAUNCHES.  He designed engines for many of the early manufactures and built his own engines under the name of Roberts Motor Manufacturing Co. of Sandusky, Ohio. He wrote technical articles for publications such as RUDDER, POWERBOAT, MOTOR BOATING, and HOME STUDY MAGAZINE.

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