Board Administrator Username: admin
Post Number: 26 Registered: 07-2001

| Posted on Sunday, January 11, 2015 - 02:47 pm: |
Bruce Hall asked me to post this for our friend George Boley. Great to hear that George is doing well. Below is a note to us all from George:
quote:Whatever Happened To G. Boley and the Crystal Queen? One day at a whim I logged onto "Old Marine Engines" It was nice to see so many of my old colleagues still practicing the trade. So I thought I would bring everyone up to date on my doings. In October of 2001 I transferred my "Old Boat Shop Museum" collection to the NH Antique Boat Museum in Wolfeboro, NH, sold our place in Maine and moved to Florida, taking the Crystal Queen, our 1910 era 18' Mullins launch with us. A few years later after owning her for 25 years, it was time to let someone else polish the brass. We sold her in NHs antique boat auction for $10,000. Apparently there was a bad case of buyers remorse because she soon ended up on Ebay with a high bid of $11,000. She is now moored in Florence, Montana. My research material was donated to the Clayton Boat Museum library. I did keep my parlor engine, a 1911 two cyl,4 HP Tuttle, W/twin carbs--- I just like looking at her. The only other things I have left are a few early reference books which I would share with you guys at reasonable cost, plus shipping, if anyone has an interest They are: A. 125 page 1984 reprint of 1902 catalog of "Elco's launches and yachts". Avg condition B. 156 page "Motor Craft Encyclopedia" 1910 copyright, 104 yrs old. Covers marine engines & launches of the day. Good condition C. 288 page "Motor Boats--Construction and operation" 1910 copyright 104 yrs old, V-good condition. D. And the granddaddy of them all. A 1396 page "Supplies-The Fairbanks Company" A 1906 catalog of everything they sold including gas engines. This 108 yr old book is in V-good condition. And last but not least, for you spark plug collectors a (patented 1898) "Sootless - sparkplug" box from "the Oaks & Dow Co" 15 Chardon St, Boston, Mass. It has the original guarantee and wrapping paper in it-- Sorry no plug. Excellent condition. Contact me at boley @ mailstation.com if you have an interest. In the meantime, I wish you all, good health and good hunting. Regards, George Boley