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This is the place for those interested in antique and early style marine inboard engines to share knowledge and ideas. Please feel free to ask questions and respond to existing posts. Registration is not required to use this board, but we encourage you to register and become a regular and active member.

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Questions and Comments about Engines not listed in the Specific Engine Manufacturers listing
One and Two Cylinder Gas Inboards 13986 2235 07-24-24  01:07 pm ned_l
Multi Cylinder Gas Inboards 4785 1138 04-10-24  08:59 am bscarince
Diesel Inboards 4865 807 06-18-24  06:13 pm miro
Unknown Engines - post here with photos 3825 725 07-26-24  06:12 am Ernie
Boats with Early Inboards
Boats with Early Inboards 2620 523 07-26-24  06:16 am ernie
Specific Engine Manufacturers
Acadia 466 102 06-04-24  09:04 pm Patrick Ballett
Atlantic - Lunenburg Foundry 371 66 05-30-24  02:38 pm Patrick Ballett
Blaxland 1455 243 03-17-24  12:43 am neil r jones
Buda Engine Co 113 34 04-09-23  09:01 pm Matt Morehouse
Buffalo Gasolene Engine Co. 137 24 12-28-21  09:02 pm Jamie e hurry
Cady 49 8 02-04-10  08:06 pm Robert B. Price
Caille 257 41 10-23-22  08:24 pm John Davis
Dunn 176 34 08-23-18  03:19 am Kjell �ke Persson
Ferro 252 45 11-15-23  06:24 am miro forest
Gray Motor Co - early 1 and 2 cylinder 872 131 03-29-24  07:34 pm Ernie
Gray Marine Gas Engines - 4, 6, and 8 cylinder 2341 651 07-19-24  12:07 am Allen Edwards
Hicks 118 29 03-11-24  10:14 am miro forest
Kermath 468 99 04-16-24  10:26 am Jack Tar
Lathrop 209 41 07-17-20  07:09 am Ernie
Mianus 99 18 02-04-24  04:19 pm Peter Snow
Palmer Engine Co 3986 657 05-22-24  09:54 pm Dick Briggs
Palmer Engine Serial Number List
Now available to view.
48 1 02-07-20  11:52 am Ernie
Red Wing 114 30 11-08-23  08:28 pm Daniel Schloss
Stuart Turner 2657 572 11-15-23  09:10 pm Mike Evans
Truscott 237 19 08-08-20  11:24 am Ernie
Universal Motor Co 421 108 04-15-23  03:07 pm Keith Webster
Vinco 171 27 01-07-17  07:04 pm Todd Vidgen
Carburetors, Timers, Magnetos, and Gears
Carburetors, Mixers, Vaporizors 1045 239 05-07-22  11:12 am Chris Spring
Timers, Magnetos, Ignition 702 148 11-14-22  10:04 am Jim Staib
Gears, Transmissions, and Propellers 773 202 08-03-23  10:22 am Paul Dubay
Miscellaneous 3905 885 07-03-24  07:43 pm ernie
Shows - Engines Shows, Boat Shows, and Auction Info 1553 279 07-26-24  06:20 am Ernie
Information about this discussion board and the OldMarineEngine site
Site Announcements and Information 400 68 01-08-23  10:35 am RichardDurgee
Practice posting here
This area is open for users to experiment with posting, formatting, and posting of photos. Please don't post actual questions and information that should be in other categories above.
339 169 08-20-23  08:12 am Daniel Skorupka

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User Avatar Posts
richarddurgee 3420
ernie 1926
richardday 1108
jb_castagnos 979
miro 784
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searcher   626
billschaller 604
solarrog 586
larry_from_maryland 517

P60 won't idle
Although my Palmer P60 now runs perfectly, I'm a little concerned about water in the oil. It seems when I start it up, it looks like mud or rust coming out of the exhaust water for a few seconds ... - by attyband

SABB Model H
Thanks- I keep them on my contact list. The parts came in last Friday. ... - by jimdereynier

P60 won't idle
If you are getting water in the crankcase oil it could be a blown head gasket, crack in cylinder head or crack in engine block. I don't know one way or other if that could also be from a defective ... - by eddie

Calvert 2012 Who is going
Jamie Hurry and I are planning to make it if nothing happens at work to change Jamie's plans. ... - by jb_castagnos

Cork Float, tips and tricks
Shellac is the traditional way to prevent the cork float from becoming saturated with fuel and sinking,causing the carburetor to flood. With the advent of Ethanol (alcohol) fuel, The old shell ... - by allenf

how to find evinrude year for motor
The two numbers I have on this recently purchased Katrina surviving motor are J8RCSS and E5212397. The INTRODUCES code confuses me because the letter C could be used in two locations and the code is ... - by anonym

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